Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Five Tips for Building Muscle by Weight Lifting

Many of us have considered beginning a workout program to improve some aspect of ourselves; we are going to address how to build muscle by weightlifting specifically. Getting ourselves in the right mindset is very important. To gain significant muscle mass requires commitment and dedication. It is important to have the right equipment and to understand how our daily lifestyle, including what we eat, will play a major role in the results that we achieve.

The fact is, too often we undertake an endeavor without having enough information, by doing so we set ourselves up to fail. Sometimes we will invest time and money and our sincerest efforts only to fall short because we are missing important pieces of information. Here are 5 important tips to get the results you want and expect.

1. Begin every workout with a warm up period which should include 10-15 minutes of cardio and stretching of the muscles we are going to exercise. This gets the blood flowing throughout the body and to the muscles we intend to exercise specifically.

2. Do not try to do too much too soon; using too much weight encourages bad form which will negate much of our gains. It is better for us to commit ourselves to doing the exercises correctly and gaining muscle slowly and appropriately.

3. Do each exercise to fatigue utilizing the proper weight for 2 sets of 8-10 repetitions. Free weights will give more gains than workout machines; they do require more attention to form as mentioned earlier.

4. Moving through the exercise too quickly usually means that we are swinging the weights instead of using a slow controlled movement. Each repetition should take 4-6 seconds, observing this will give great gains and reduce the possibility of injury.

5. Do not take too little or too much time. This means to allow 30-60 seconds between sets of an exercise and 1-2 minutes between exercises. A cool down of some light stretching in the areas worked out is also recommended. This helps the body to clear out the waste products that gather in the muscles as a result of exercise.

It is always a good idea to be as informed as possible before and during workout regimes. Too often people lose interest because they don't really know what they're doing or what they should be looking for.

For complete information on the best way to build muscle by weightlifting I suggest you try No Nonsense Muscle Building. This program is guaranteed to provide you with the right muscle building techniques along with a guide to proper nutrition.